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Details about Mouse

The Mouse

What is probably the most amazing thing about a PC mouse such as the one shown in figure is that it took so long to become a standard part of the pc’s equipment. It is perfectly natural for a user to point at obejects on the display instead of typing in a command and many attempts were made to develop such a tool for the PC.
Light pens touch screen graphics tablets and joysticks among  other devices Were all tried ut none satisfied the user as a workable intative pointing device
       The mouse was introduce with the Apple Macintosh and was an immediate success. The mouse was the natural, intative, inexpensive pointing device users wanted. But it wasn’t until the early 1980s, When Windows and its graphics user interface (GUI) was time the mouse has become a standard equipment on virtually all PCs. There are three types of mouse

Based on  the technology used to detect the mouse movement, mouse can be divided into three technology


Based on the method of interface or to connect the mouse to the main computer system mouse can be divided into three categories


Mouse can be also divided into different category based on the number of buttons provided on them basically there are three types of mouse based on this

1.Single Button
2.Double Button
3.Three Button

Details about Mouse Details about Mouse Reviewed by clixbitdigi on March 27, 2019 Rating: 5

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